It was far different than they thought it would be.We wanted to just communicate with them, that would suffice, kind of like the one night stand, when finished they would go, all simple and convenient. Talking, or rather broadcasting messages out into space and Voyager with its inscriptions and messages carved for anyone to see, on a voyage to nowhere. This was the start of it all. As long as we had been broadcasting radio waves, or disturbing any electromagnetic force or messing with photonic discoveries, laser, x ray, microwave, then we could, should, hope for a return message. And all the energy sources we had discovered and made available in our quest to locate life out there were being put to the test. But where exactly was "out there", which direction were we looking, or were we even sure?. We didn't know which way to point or where to look. After all light only traveled at .....well, the speed of light, and it was a narrow sort of tool, in that it didn't include much area. Radio.... well it could be said that it traveled in every direction, and was likely covering a larger expanse's of space, empty space, or was it..? Was it empty? Now we know it wasn't, and now our innocence is gone. We now know....... and with that knowing, we have found out much more than we ever imagined we would. And more urgent than we could have ever thought. They were here, they had arrived. Aliens from another planet, from another galaxy, in a solar system much like ours but much much older. Their world was in collapse, with only years or months until it would be destroyed by it's own sun, about to go supernova. They had traveled across two galaxies to follow the source of the transmissions in our Milky Way, and yet further to our corner of it. Guided by re-runs of The Honneymooners, and ironically enough, the Jetsuns, a twentieth century TV cartoon. TV and Radio waves had traveled at the speed of light and had found them just at their darkest hour. The outside estimate was a decade at most, and likely the next planetary alignment, which was only forty six of our weeks away. They were not like us, other than being bi-peds with opposing thumbs. Oh they were for the most part humanesque. Their skin was of a much different texture, almost velour like. They had bodily features like a human, with a certain beauty in ways much like the birds of paradise, where there was an overactive preponderance of vivid coloring. They were almost tropical fish-like. No they didn't have gills, nor scales, they had colors. Colors in abundance, colors in profusion. Their language....... well it was like bursts of air, like shockwaves, and oddly there was something in common with earths whales and porpoise's. We would later learn that they could indeed comunicate with the Whales, while porpoises were more difficult because they spoke much faster. We had met at the United Nations, and could do nothing but allow these visitors from another galaxy sanctuary. There was no alernative, their fuel was nearly exhausted. By good fortune or providence, they were able to take our atomic waste and safely contain it and re-process it into usable fuel, with the remains no more toxic than comon baby powder. It was clear that they would be here for the duration, yet with the Earths population already in the Billions, it would be crowded. Their numbers were a little over 600,000,000 so that was going to really tax the available landmasses. It was decided that the continent of Africa would be of the most suitable for them and as the interior of Africa was largely vacant because of the plague of auto-immune disease in the early two thousands. It was two thousand and eighteen when the plague subsided, but then the whole of Africa was populated by less than a hundred thousand people. This was chosen as their new home, and would become generational. They had brought techniques of growing and terra-forming that had not been discovered or even imagined, in fact it had become a veritable paradise. It had also stabilized and stopped the degredation of ozone in our atmosphere. In reality we were saving each other. We could not intermingle genetically or sexually, and there would be no offspring or hybrids. In fact sex between either species was still taboo, and a much adheared to taboo. The best you could hope for was a union of the minds, and yes this was a most stimulating compromise, and one to cement our combined friendships and intimicies. In fact it was intensely intimate. It was not for the faint of heart, nor something vulgar or done with any frequency.
Their sciences were in some ways superior to ours yet there were parts of our sciences still unknown to them. Torr was the name of their planet. Amazingly it was said in a sort of blast of air and sound, and would come to be known well among ourselves and of all earths inhabitants. The disturbing thing to come of all of this was the ability to communicate with most of the animal life of this planet, there were no secrets now.
From the depths of space they had found us, they had followed our signals. Signals that should have only traveled at the speed of light, had been altered by force later to be known as 'sliding by 4'. Sliding by 4 was a process something like sling-shoting from planet to planet except on a solar system scale, and at that multiplication level, speed multiplied or 'squared'. Speed, cascading and increasing into faster and faster velocity. In this way, a broadcast message would be accellerated nearly to the speed of thought, or I suppose you could say into their future. The inhabitants of Torr would early-on learn the use of this concept to power spaceship engines. There would be no matter, anti-matter engines. Time travel, as much as either race desired it, it would remain unobtainable to either. And the destiny of humankind and their visitors would forever be altered.
A great many things would be shared and advances made on both sides. One thing that would find little difference in makeup was our common perception of a supreme being, a God. They had a God that outwardly seemed to be Our God, our God of the Bible, who spoke to Moses and Adam, and up until recently had been ours alone. Had we both been designed by the same Author? had His precepts been instilled in our make-up, were we brothers and sisters? Were we destined to combine into one family, made in the 'Image of God'? I would like to think that their beauty and our form would combine to form the image of God. And.... were there more?........ were there more galaxies that were home, and in what numbers, and where was 'Heaven', or the abode of God? With them, they had brought advances in medicine. Advances that would increase lifespans, extending life into centuries, youth that would last half a century or more. The combined efforts now with the capability of interstellar and intergalactic travel. Had we evolved partly as God had intended?
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