Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Osama ......what else...!

Well it was yesterday tat I happened up at 3:00 am unable to sleep as is sometimes the way of things, when I sat down at the computer, punched the mouse to bring up the screen. Clicking on Yahoo, I then went to the facepage....... and spread across the front... was Osama Bin Laden Dead. Wow I thought, thats big news, or I might have thought Wow, thats good news. I was unsure until I would investigate this headline a bit. One of the very first things that I learned was that there was no body.........What!!!!, what kind of credability is this? Here we go again... Why would any thinking human being toss away the one thing that could verify their claim, unless there was No body and all the story was a fabrication. Koolaid drinkers blither blindly through life believing most anything they are told, even if it's fishy, as long as theres a reason for it's fishiness. And the true skeptic will believe little unless he or she can see, touch and rub their butt on it. That's a proper Skeptic. There were over the next 36 hours, that is , up untill right now, that a host of important facts came out, by news releases or ....by omission. This story was going to have to be 100% true and easily followed or there was going to be subterfuge after subterfuge. And thats what seemed to be appearing, nearly as fast as the story was unraveling.Simple solution..... tie up the loose ends, but there were too many, it was like the sand castle fighting the tide. Where was the body? if there was a body, lets see it, simple enough, but.... oh no..... we couldn't outrage the Muslum comunity with the gory photos because it was said he was pretty badly shot with the partial side of his skull missing, we couldn't take scenes like that..... Currious that we were such wimps, since when were we too sensative to be exposed to such scenes of death? In the vietnam war they were splashed almost daily on major tv stations, the beheading of our American citizen on tv live via youtube...... countless more scenes of death and destruction, many gruesome, and many who enjoyed gruesome pictures. It would lead one to believe we had lowered ourselves to the lothesome gladiator fights, the feeding of Christians to the lions, Caligula all over again. The insertion into the compound that disturbed no one, even with a helicopter likely getting tangled in wires of some sort and crashing. The aledged finding Osama and unarmed at that, the subsequent killing of all the occupants of the compound... truth or subterfuge? And top spot..... the quick stop to the car wash and dropping him overboard from a ship in the Aden sea. Again..... no pictures. This is the American government. They know what you do need and don't need to know. They know how to control you with the media. And you gladly believe, especially if its a Hottie anouncer or BaBaWaWa. Sad times we live in. all that we can really hope for is Judgment, when all secrets will be revealed and a harsh judgment for those who preyed on the Good. But we must endure it for a while and then With a Shout............All Eyes will See the Lord come in the clouds.

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