Thursday, June 21, 2012

Time traveler

He walked past me, and for a second asked me if I knew what the next holiday would be? I said sure, the forth of July....... how many more days he asked. I get so lost, if my head wasn't secured to my body, I'd loose it, god my brain's shot...... I told his it was a week and three days off, then he asked if I was going to shoot off fireworks, and I told him I always went to my neighbors for that. I didn't think anymore about it. He was standing at the railing facing away, watching the sailboats in the harbor. Then he said "I can't wait for the elections, who was my preference? I told him, anybody but Obama. With that he said "good day" and turned and walked down the boardwalk to the end where it ended in sand. He seemed to be looking around in every direction as though he was expecting someone, or trying to get his bearings. He was just another passerby. In a few minutes I would walk back home and mess with my shortwave radios, it was getting close to dusk, where reception would be just about at it's best around here. The guy was walking back up the boardwalk and I wondered what kind of job he had, his cloths were sort of a peculier uniform that I had not seen around the area. He also had a backpack that was kind of odd too, it was like something modular in construction as though it were an apparatus rather than a tote, and he seemed to be overly busy with it, as though he had to keep it in position at all cost. As he passed again, he said that it would be better if I left where I was setting, he felt like something bad was going to happen. It was about then that I thought he must be a new ager or some empath kind of kook, the beach was more than full of crazies. He asked if I could show him where a particular shop along the boardwalk was, and I pointed and tried to direct him that way, it's just over there and to the right. But he seemed intent on having me walk with him to show him exactly, and said it was really important that I show him. It seemed pushy and not a little strange, but I aquiessed and got up to walk with him down the walk to the shop. We were but thirty or forty feet away from where I was setting as we walked, when there was a crash behind us...... where I had been setting a palm tree on the cliff above had given way and crashed down into the very place I was setting. The bench was crushed and the concrete legs shattered. I stared in unbelief.... that was exactly where I was setting thirty seconds ago, I would have been crushed and killed had I stayed instead of agreeing to walk with this stranger. It was as if he knew it was going to happen and insistent I accompany him.. Strange, very strange indeed. He looked at me and said "I knew", I just did. By now this was more than just a random meeting, at least thats how I felt, something was starting to stirr questions about this guy, something didn't just add up. How could he just be there, and start a conversation about what time and what day it was? Something was questioning deeper than the surface, I was looking at the bench and the palm wondering if he actually knew ahead of time, and if so ...How?

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