Sunday, December 19, 2010

Antimatter Engine propulsion

Watching NOVA on a movie site, I had an idea from the program. It had to do with antimatter propulsion, but I sidetracked off of that and thought ION propulsion more appropriate in this example. So be warned, I'm planning to ramble a bit as this whole idea spans several years of internal dialogue and imagining. To start with, and mind you alot of this is more in the realm of Quantum Mechanics, to start with, we'll describe a phenominon called 'Johnson Noise'. What this is, I'll try to explain, starts with the temperature of Space, yes, outerspace. IT's said to be near absolute zero, but you have to wonder if Pluto is any colder ?? At absolute zero, electrons and neutrons cease motion until temperatures rise above zero and, rising the electrons and neutrons become corespondingly mare active, more temp, more active. This phenominon relates to a device a Nano technology inventor had produced and had used in the process, nano-diode's. This inventors name was Charles Brown. No, not of 'Peanuts' fame, but an inventor in recent times. The final product his nano-awray's pourpose was to produce electricity. I had previously in research, came across an article with photos and the inventor with the actual machine, but have misplaced the info, never mind, I'll find it later, it does exist. The aparatus he had was an electron accellerator, whick produced higher and higher voltage basically, from minute amounts of voltage. I think you begin to see the use of these two machines, ie. the diode-awray would power the electron accellerator, which in turn would produce useable amounts of electrical energy, which in tandom with ION genration through an ION generator, could be used to power and propell a space ship at the increadable speeds nessessary for inter-stellar travel. To increase the thrust was the crux of my whole idea, as the previous componants seemed rudamentry, and basically a given. What I proposed was to generate a magnetic feild and dirrect it with electromatic manipulation of the space behind the exhaust of the ION motor, thuss esentially 'grabbing traction'. I know this is starting to sound like a motorheads pipe dream but, These are the principals I'm going to use and manipulate into a usfell means of high-speed star travel. more to come...Ok just a thought acumulation in space nothing is static, yet if there is 'big bang' expansion, does it not flow forth from somewhere ie. this nothing? is it maybe like the shape of a doughnut and flows in a circular outflow as it also inflows or outward laterally.

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